The following is a DOL update on
three topics of vital interest to our clients.
1. RIR: As we have previously reported in Spotlight and on 'News Stories' on our website, Region VI (the DOL
region which has jurisdiction over labor certifications
filed in California) had been automatically remanding
pending RIR applications to local state employment
offices for supervised recruitment without giving
employers the opportunity to address any alleged
deficiencies. The national Foreign Labor Certification
Division of the DOL conducted meetings with lawyers
representing the American Immigration Lawyers
Association (AILA) in San Francisco over the summer.
Jackson & Hertogs hosted the meetings, and one of our
partners, attorney Norman Plotkin, attended the meetings
in his dual role as a member of the national AILA/DOL
liaison committee and as Co-liaison to Region VI for
AILA's Northern California Chapter.
As a result
of these meetings, DOL has agreed to halt the RIR
remands until a resolution is reached on RIR processing
criteria. It is expected that DOL would issue guidance
to the field nationwide as to how to process RIR
applications. However, the much anticipated release of
a field memorandum has been delayed. The latest report
indicates that it will be promulgated in mid-November
2003. It is important to note that DOL has previously
set deadlines for issuing this memorandum but they have
not met them. Therefore, although DOL states that it
will be released in mid-November, it will likely be
issued at a later date. The guidance will provide
criteria for how the RIR applications will be processed
and how DOL will handle new RIR filings.
2. PERM:
According to DOL projections, the PERM regulations will
be published by the end of the year. DOL has advised AILA that implementation of the program will
probably occur 120 days after the regulations are
published. DOL is planning on scheduling approximately
four training sessions throughout the United States.
During this period, DOL will Beta test the PERM
3. BACKLOG REDUCTION: DOL is establishing two backlog reduction centers. One
will be located in Philadelphia and the other will be in
Dallas. They will replace the pilot backlog reduction
center which was located in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Once
a contractor is selected, the centers will be
operational as the software is in place and required
training was already completed in Gaithersburg.
We will provide you with further
updates as they become available.